Next phase in limitation and extinguishment of reprivatisation claims to Warsaw properties
Amended regulations governing claims by former owners under the Warsaw Decree entered into force on 20 October 2020. Consequently, the only form of reprivatisation in Warsaw admissible in practice will be damages pursued through complicated, time-consuming and costly judicial proceedings, while a large portion of claims will be extinguished without compensation.
Damages for victims of criminal offences can be sought not only from the perpetrator
The possibility of seeking damages from a person who has knowingly benefited from a wrong done to another may offer the victim the only practical chance of obtaining even partial recompense. Often the immediate wrongdoer is insolvent, while someone else gains from the unlawful act.
May a contractor whose offer is rejected appeal to the National Appeal Chamber?
A contractor filing an appeal must duly demonstrate that it has standing to appeal under Art. 179(1) of the Polish Public Procurement Law. There is an endless debate in the case law and the legal literature over which entities are entitled to file an appeal in a procedure for award of a public contract. The National Appeal Chamber spoke out in this dispute in its ruling of 23 October 2019 (case no. KIO 2031/19), responding to the question whether a contractor whose bid has been rejected still has a legal interest in filing an appeal.
Opening business in Poland—natural persons (individual business activity)
Establishing individual business activity (jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza) by one natural person is a basic form of business operation in Poland. The process of launching and operating such a business, including registration, is relatively easy. This makes individual business activity appropriate for self-employed persons, i.e. those operating independently, with little or no involvement of third parties.
Digital transformation and competition law
The dominance of the US and China in the digital market has forced Europe to take action to reduce over-reliance on solutions developed outside its borders. The desire to maintain international competitiveness requires, among other things, a review of antitrust provisions.
Will the Supreme Court resolve the problems with settlement attempts?
The Supreme Court of Poland has presented to an expanded panel legal questions concerning a summons to attempt a settlement as an action interrupting the limitations period on a claim.
Differently in the handover protocol than in the contract: No defects as a condition of payment
In the judgment of 26 April 2019 (case no. V CSK 80/18), the Supreme Court of Poland held that it is not contrary to the nature of a construction contract to condition the payment of fees on the absence of defects in the structure. Therefore, the parties’ terms requiring payment only after a faultless handover protocol has been obtained are permissible. However, in the Supreme Court’s opinion, such objections may also be included in the terms of the handover protocol. The court approved the possibility for the parties to invoke reservations made in the handover protocol, which constitute additional provisions in relation to the contract.
Education and healthcare for foreign nationals in Poland
Foreigners considering relocating to Poland for the short or long term, or even resettling to live and work here permanently – also with children – face questions and raise concerns about the model of education and the standard of medical care in the country.
Remote conclusion of contracts in financing transactions
The pandemic has made it hard to organise traditional deal closings. Earlier, in typical financing transactions, it was no problem to arrange a physical meeting of the parties to sign the complete set of financing documentation, including security instruments (e.g. a pledge agreement or agreement to establish a mortgage). Indeed, some clients insisted on holding a traditional closing. The pandemic has changed this perspective, focusing the parties’ attention on the possibilities for remote signing of agreements.
Veggie burgers will still be a thing
On 23 October 2020 the European Parliament voted on amendments to the CMO Regulation (1308/2013). Ultimately the lawmakers decided not to ban the use of names alluding to meat in relation to plant substitutes. It will still be possible to buy vegetarian sausage in stores and order veggie burgers in restaurants. But makers of ersatz dairy products may face a tougher time.
Pro rata condition in insurance policy held ineffective
In a judgment involving compensation under an insurance policy, the Supreme Court of Poland has held that a pro rata provision was invalid because it was disadvantageous to the insured and was included in the insurance conditions unilaterally by the insurer as the party with the stronger contractual position.
Polish banking services for non-EU foreigners
With increasing mobility on the labour market, more and more foreigners from non-EU countries are settling in Poland for economic reasons. As most often salaries are paid by bank transfer, one of the first issues when relocating is to open a bank account in Poland. To keep up with market changes, Polish banks try to make their offers more flexible and adapt them to customers’ current needs. Thus banks offer many services aimed at foreigners, including those from non-EU countries, and banking products are becoming more and more available to them.