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public procurement

Contractual penalties: Theory and reality
Many contractors, including those involved in public projects carried out under the Public Procurement Law, lose sleep over the theoretically harmless instrument provided for in Civil Code Art. 483 and 484. Contractual penalties are reserved for all manner of breaches of contract and in huge amounts. The time has to come to change that.
Contractual penalties: Theory and reality
Economic capacity: Neither a borrower nor a lender be?
The nature of the resources that can be presented in a tender to demonstrate a contractor’s economic capacity raises doubts concerning the permissible forms in which economic capacity can be realistically shared. But the latest case law shows that there are actually many different ways for a contractor to make use of the economic capacity of another entity.
Economic capacity: Neither a borrower nor a lender be?
FIDIC provisions on liability for defects should be adapted to Polish law
The construction industry rightfully tries to limit modifications to the FIDIC general conditions to essential issues. One of them is the rules for the contractor’s liability for defects in the structure. Failure to address this in the particular conditions can lead to disputes.
FIDIC provisions on liability for defects should be adapted to Polish law
FIDIC: When can the contractor receive a fee higher than stated in the contract?
In complicated construction projects, the amount the contracting authority must ultimately pay the contractor in the final settlement is often higher than the originally agreed fee. The final amount will largely depend on the allocation of risks between the parties to the contract.
FIDIC: When can the contractor receive a fee higher than stated in the contract?
Can the same entity be the general contractor and a subcontractor in the same procurement?
The Public Procurement Law does not outright ban an entity from taking part in the same procurement proceeding as the general contractor and as a subcontractor for another bidder. But under certain circumstances this may be found to be impermissible and result in rejection of the offer.
Can the same entity be the general contractor and a subcontractor in the same procurement?
Waste Act amendment causes problems with EU funding for construction of incinerators
This year’s amendment of the Waste Act is forcing changes in the scheduling of incinerator projects. Target load start-up tests must be postponed until after the integrated permit is issued. This may give rise to claims by contractors for prolonging the project completion period because of a change in the law.
Waste Act amendment causes problems with EU funding for construction of incinerators
Obtaining decisions and permits: What can be demanded of a FIDIC contractor?
The contractual division of duties to obtain decisions and permits does not change the principle that the investor is basically required to cover the costs of obtaining them. Nor can a division contrary to law be imposed on the contractor.
Obtaining decisions and permits: What can be demanded of a FIDIC contractor?
FIDIC: Is the contract engineer an agent for the investor?
The engineer’s task is to take necessary measures to ensure that the contract is performed correctly and on time. But not all actions by the engineer will directly affect the investor’s own rights and obligations.
FIDIC: Is the contract engineer an agent for the investor?
The negotiation stage in the tender procedure of negotiations with a contract announcement
The contracting authority is not required to comply with contractors’ requests raised during negotiating sessions. It should allow contractors’ wishes in its own objective interest by including them in the terms of reference and the proposed contract.
The negotiation stage in the tender procedure of negotiations with a contract announcement
FIDIC contract engineer must be impartial
Proper exercise of the function of contract engineer is crucial for the success of any construction project. The scope of the engineer’s obligations and the impartial attitude required of the engineer toward issues arising on the construction site are also reflected in the rights of the parties to the contract.
FIDIC contract engineer must be impartial
Contracting authority need not award points for borrowed resources
The contracting authority does not violate Art. 26(2b) of the Public Procurement Law by not awarding a contractor points for borrowed resources, because fulfilling the conditions to qualify for participation in a procurement proceeding relying on the potential of a third party is different from the stage of selection of a shortlist of contractors, for which the conditions may be defined in the manner adopted by the contracting authority.
Contracting authority need not award points for borrowed resources
Public tenders: How to calculate the period for filing an appeal?
If the deadline for filing an appeal in a tender procedure falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the contractor may file the appeal on the next business day.
Public tenders: How to calculate the period for filing an appeal?