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Increasing the share capital of a limited-liability company based on the existing articles of association: Some practical considerations
An increase in the share capital of a limited-liability company without amending the articles of association is often used as a simpler, faster and, in theory, cheaper method of increasing the capital. But in practice, due to the ambiguous wording of the regulations, doubts may arise about this method of capital increase and the form of the documents required for its effective implementation. What should be kept in mind for a simplified share capital increase to be carried out correctly?
Increasing the share capital of a limited-liability company based on the existing articles of association: Some practical considerations
The latest and planned changes in corporate law: Continuation of bringing companies online
Over the past decade, Polish lawmakers have taken many efforts to adapt the functioning of businesses in legal transactions to the current technological realities. We have witnessed the launch of electronic registration of companies, as well as the transfer of much of the National Court Register’s activity to the web. More changes are planned for the coming years.
The latest and planned changes in corporate law: Continuation of bringing companies online
Withdrawal from a limited partnership: Options and risks
Commercial partnerships, including limited partnerships, operate in principle on the basis of mutual trust and close cooperation between the partners. The composition of a limited partnership is most often fixed, but this does not mean that the partnership has to be dissolved whenever a partner decides to leave. There are several possibilities for a partner to withdraw from a limited partnership. Two of them are provided for expressly in the Commercial Companies Code, but they may prove inadequate to the dynamic needs of commercial practice. The third, non-code way of leaving a partnership, however useful, raises some doubts.
Withdrawal from a limited partnership: Options and risks
European Sustainability Reporting Standards
In November 2022, the leaves were falling from the trees to the rhythm of ESG. First, the European Parliament and then the Council of the European Union approved the draft Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. Then the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group submitted the first set of draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards to the European Commission.
European Sustainability Reporting Standards
When a parent acquires a subsidiary: A few words on simplified merger
The Commercial Companies Code contains rules facilitating mergers of companies where there are few owners and little risk of harm to stakeholders, and thus the law allows certain provisions to be waived. But it is essential to apply the regulations properly so that the merger is carried out effectively and can be entered in the National Court Register.
When a parent acquires a subsidiary: A few words on simplified merger
Redemption of shares as an alternative method of exit of a shareholder from a limited-liability company
Participation in a limited-liability company in Poland may end either as a result of acquisition of the shareholder’s shares by another entity or as a result of elimination of the shares, i.e. redemption. This mechanism is more and more common and used for various purposes in the course of M&A transactions consisting in the acquisition of only a portion of a company’s share capital. Then, it becomes an element of the shareholders’ agreement and thus of the articles of association which are to take effect and regulate the rights and obligations of the parties upon completion of the transaction.
Redemption of shares as an alternative method of exit of a shareholder from a limited-liability company
Representative office of a foreign foundation as a means for carrying out charitable activities in Poland
Along with a foundation and a non-profit company, a representative office of a foreign foundation is one of the legal forms through which charitable activities can be carried out in Poland. However, due to a sparsity of regulations, the functioning of representative offices of foundations in Polish law is not entirely clear. The topic is particularly timely, as with the outbreak of war in Ukraine many foreign foundations wanting to operate in Poland have voiced the need to open representative offices here. Previously, such outposts were relatively rare, as there was little need for them.
Representative office of a foreign foundation as a means for carrying out charitable activities in Poland
Will the Holding Law increase the effectiveness of supervisory boards?
The act amending the Commercial Companies Code which will come into force on 13 October 2022 not only establishes rules for the operation of formalised corporate groups, but also modifies some rules for the functioning of corporate bodies of companies, including supervisory boards. The question is whether the change will have a positive impact on the work of supervisory bodies.
Will the Holding Law increase the effectiveness of supervisory boards?
Some practical remarks on merging partnerships with companies
One of the ways to reduce business costs in a corporate group may be to combine multiple entities into a single entity—a merger. Although all types of companies and partnerships can take part in a merger, the regulations regarding mergers involving partnerships are sometimes unclear, and mistakes during the merger process can result in the court’s refusal to register the merger.
Some practical remarks on merging partnerships with companies
Crowdfunding: A way for companies to raise capital
After July 2022 amendments to the law, companies can now benefit from crowdfunding. As usual, the devil is in the details.
Crowdfunding: A way for companies to raise capital
Time for an ESG strategy
Two major proposals for ESG directives—the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)—are currently working their way through EU institutions. Soon, more and more companies will have to take environmental, social and governance issues into consideration in the course of their day-to-day operations if they wish to stay in business and remain competitive. It is high time for companies to develop and implement an ESG strategy.
Time for an ESG strategy
Private subscription of shares in a non-public company
A private subscription is a convenient method to raise share capital. How to carry it out in practice?
Private subscription of shares in a non-public company