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Joanna Prokurat

Tax support for commercialisation of knowledge
The Act of 29 August 2014 Amending the Corporate Income Tax Act, the Personal Income Tax Act and Certain Other Acts went into force on 1 January 2015.
Tax support for commercialisation of knowledge
State aid in a special economic zone—benefits but also obligations
Classification of an income tax exemption as state aid entails a number of consequences extending far beyond tax issues.
State aid in a special economic zone—benefits but also obligations
Subparticipation in Poland: Legal and tax aspects
Amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Act which went into effect on 1 January 2014 provide an opportunity to revive the practice of subparticipation in lending in Poland.
Subparticipation in Poland: Legal and tax aspects
Tax support for innovation
In addition to direct public funding for innovative activity, e.g. grants and subsidised loans, tax instruments are also a major element of support for innovation.
Tax support for innovation
The spectre of having to return state aid
Failure to comply with the rules for award and use of state aid may result in the recipient being required to pay back the money. But the law provides beneficiaries of aid opportunities to defend their position on several fronts.
The spectre of having to return state aid
New rules for settlement of VAT
New VAT rules have been in force in Poland since the beginning of 2014. The new rules still raise certain doubts, so it is worthwhile to re-examine the most important changes concerning when the obligation to pay VAT arises, the tax basis, and invoicing.
New rules for settlement of VAT
Avoiding double taxation of affiliates
Transactions between affiliates attract particular interest from the tax authorities, which are entitled to verify the declared income and assess adjustments of income. Audits of non-market transactions are expect to become more common.
Avoiding double taxation of affiliates
Tips on selecting a tax year
A company’s tax year, and thus its financial year, need not be the same as the calendar year. In certain situations it may even cover a period longer than 12 months. And changing the tax year can sometimes generate tax advantages.
Tips on selecting a tax year